Ron Meulenkamp


One80 sponsor Ron Meulenkamp


Established in 2005, ONE80 specialized in supplying the chinese dart martket.
To expand its range ONE80 joined forced with a high quality hand-made dart manufacturer “BAVARIA DARTS” wich was one of the first dart manufacturers outside the UK and had 25 years experience producing the highest quality “handmade darts” for the professional player. The aim of this merger was not mass produce cheap darts, but to create the best – perhaps even the holy “DART” grail, incorporating the high quality german engineering technology with
the existing production methods and enabling a wordlwide supply of the ONE80 dart range.

Since the merger ONE80 has diversified its production range investing heavily in “BRAND NEW INNOVATIVE CONCEPTS”. As the results we are setting new standards within the dart industry and are able to present our brand new “GOLD “
dartboard, “INTLITE SHAFT SYSTEM” and solibox in this catalogue.

Maximaal advies - sponsor Ron Meulenkamp

Maximaal Advies

Maximaal Advies is the partner for all your energy matters. As an entrepreneur, you want to focus on the core activities and not spend too much time on peripheral matters, including energy management. Thanks to our broad knowledge of the entire energy market, we can fully support you in all energy-related matters.

Think of the purchase and sale of energy, staying up-to-date in terms of legislation and regulations or making your company more sustainable with solar panels, for example.

L style sponsor Ron Meulenkamp


“L” in L-style is for love, life, luck and many more wonderful L’s. We named our brand “L-style” in the hope that darts can be of any help conveying Love and Peace to the world. We donate a part of the profits from sales to PDJ, JSFD and other darts associations, and people in need.

We hope we can help the darts industry grow bigger with our planning ability and Japanese technology. L-style CEO and Designer Jinta Serizawa In any sport, the equipment has evolved from the athlete’s performance. Golf clubs, billiard cues, soccer balls and spikes have all evolved greatly, and we believe darts should too.

We put our utmost effort to develop the product pursuing functionality and beauty. What would be the right equipment for a player to trust? We think the best equipment does not disturb the flow of the game. Meaning that it is necessary to prevent the dart from easily breaking off or bouncing back, and for the flight to always remain at 90 degrees.

It’s always important for the player to trust their equipment and feel confident throwing. It’s even better if the equipment itself looks stylish and sexy. However, we’re sorry that there is no equipment that lets you instantly play so well just because you make use of it. The best and fastest results come from persistent effort and hard work. Everyone, Let’s enjoy Darts together!

Let play darts leusden sponsor ron meulenkamp

Lets play darts leusden

Dartsvereniging Let’s Play Darts (LPD-) Leusden is een dartsclub voor jong en oud. Je kunt hier (leren) darten in een ruime accommodatie met een gezellige bar en 15 professionele dartsbanen.


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Founded in 2015 by Michel Diepeveen, with the aim of developing and managing affordable WordPress websites. With more than 10 years of experience and a wide network you can contact them for everything concerning websites and marketing.